Establishing organizational chains of responsibility, authority, and communication 建立组织的责任、权限和通信链
One component of quality governance is organizational and structural, providing chains of responsibility, authority, and communication that enable a workflow for applying quality measures. 质量治理的一部分内容是进行组织化和结构化,并提供责任链、权力链和沟通链,通过他们能够建立应用质量度量的工作流。
Within the context of the governance framework, the various organizational entities are modeled, and their relationships to each other, in terms of authority and decision-making, are defined. 在治理框架的环境中,对各种组织实体建模,并且就权力和决策制定而言,定义他们互相之间的关系。
Decisions are made at the right place within the organizational structure because teams are empowered with both the responsibility and the authority to get the job done. 决策在组织结构的恰当地方作出,因为团队有职责且有权力完成工作。
IT governance disseminates authority to the various layers in the organizational structures within your business, while ensuring appropriate and prudent use of that authority. IT治理将权力散布到您的企业中组织结构中的各种层,同时确保适当切谨慎地使用该权力。
The project quality manager shall have the organizational freedom and authority to identify conditions adverse to quality, and to initiate and monitor appropriate corrective actions. 项目质量经理应具有组织自由和权利来识别对质量有害的环境,并发起和监控相关纠正行动。
The organizational rules of the family education centers as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the respective government authority in charge. 第一项家庭教育中心之组织规程,由各级主管机关定之。
An approach to control that emphasizes organizational authority and relies on administrative rules, regulations, procedures and policies. 一种强调组织的权威,依靠管理规章,制度,过程以及政策来实现控制系统的方法。
Aministrative leaders have to improve their ability of seeing into something and make good use of informal communication and non-position influence in order to create a better organizational atmosphere and strengthen their authority. 行政领导者要创造良好的组织气候、提升自己权威的被接受度,就必须提高自身的洞察能力、充分发挥非正式沟通与非职位影响力的作用。
Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is the product of the individual teaching organizational form in history, reflecting the authority of the teachers in the teacher-student relationship and reflecting a subjective evaluation of students. 因此,木文认为因材施教原则是:历史中个别教学组织形式下的产物,体现以教师为权威的师生关系,体现一种主观的学生评价;
In terms of the science of administration, the key reason for the failure of his reform lies in the lack of an organizational authority. 从行政学的角度看,组织权威的缺失是本次改革失败的主要原因。
According to constitutionalism, administration by law emphasizes that the executive abide by the constitution, organizational acts and procedural acts, thus its exact expression should be that legal institution, within its legal authority, deals with legal affairs according to legal procedure. 宪政视角下的依法行政,强调行政机关依宪法、组织性法律和程序性法律办事,其含义的准确表达应为由法定的机关在法定的权限内,依照法定程序处理法律规定的事务。
Traditional management on university teachers stresses the importance of organizational authority, but ignores the teacher's subjectivity; 传统的高校教师管理强调组织的威权性,忽视教师的主体性;
In the PMI, based on the organizational structure of enterprises can establish the authority of corporate officers and authority relations, However, the tree of those authorized by the relationship are different from the tree of the organizational structure. 在PMI中,在企业组织结构基础上可以建立企业人员的授权和权限关系,但授权关系树又不同于组织结构树。
One important aspect of the administrative organizational reform in the west countries is efficiency first, which is embodied in its small government, separation of functional organization from the government, division of authority among these organizations and their reinforcement, and the like. 当今西方国家政府行政机构改革的一个重要体现就是效率优先,这主要表现在其建立小政府、职能机构分离、分权并加以强化等各方面。
Organizational design determines that the sending agencies and provincial branches are all in CTT governance, and implementation separate accounting of internal audit cost while the audited objects have no economic relations with it, in order to solve the of independence problems and authority issues of internal audit. 通过组织设计,确定派驻审计办事处与派驻省分公司同属铁通公司管理,并且实施内部审计费用单独核算,与被审计对象没有经济上的关系,以解决内部审计独立性问题和权威性问题。
To promote the organizational development group, should establish the correct ideas, enhance the authority of the charm of group organization, support human resource development, and so on. 推动我国非公有制企业团组织发展,应该树立正确的思想观念、增强团组织的魅力权威,辅助企业人力资源开发等。
Although rapid expansion on scale has generated remarkable profit for these enterprises, it also brings many management problems in terms of how to effectively adjust organizational structure such as human resource allocation and authority distribution. 规模的快速扩张和体制转变在给企业带来丰厚利润的同时也带来了不少管理难题,其中就包括如何有针对性地展开相应的人员配备、权力分配等组织结构调整问题。
At last, the paper concludes with related measures for corporate R& D flexible budget management, including adjusting the organizational structure, improving corporate governance structure, the rational allocation of budget authority, creating a favorable soft budget culture and so on. 最后从组织结构的调整、法人治理结构的完善、预算权的合理配置、良好的柔性预算文化的塑造等方面提出了企业实行R&D柔性预算管理相关措施。
In order to complete allocated duty, the bank staffs construct network sales promotion by utilizing the blood relationship, the organizational connections as well as the authority relations to enlarge the enclosure. 为了完成摊派任务,银行职工利用血缘和亲缘关系、组织关系以及权力关系构建网络推销,进行跑马圈地。
The audit system is the organizational form of audit system, and it is aspect system structure and the system umbrella names such as auditing agency interposition, legal status, affiliations of, duty extent of authority. 审计体制是审计制度的组织形式,是审计机关的设置、法律地位、隶属关系、职责权限等方面的体系结构和制度的总称。
Meanwhile, since the state has recognized some of the original organizational principles of the villagers, township government which represents state authority at grass root level would be fulfilling the role of operator and supervisor of those concrete actions. 与此同时,国家也承认了村民原有的组织原则,代表国家的乡镇政府是具体行为实施的操作员和监督员。